The Chief was on a road trip when the big story of SanFran Nan and her arctic exploration expedition was getting a lot of attention. As a result it didn’t get my full attention…although my scientific sensibility was offended by the concept that ANYONE could fly into Greenland, spend a couple days looking around, and then proclaim that they now were SURE that GlowBull Warming was occurring, since they had actually seen some ice fall into the ocean.
It COULDN’T have had anything to do with the fact that since the Greenland ice cap is accumulating MORE ice due to colder inland temperatures, that the ice along the coasts is being pushed out from the pressure of the new interior ice. It also couldn’t have anything to do with the fact also that it is now SPRING in the northern hemisphere, and yes, some ice does melt in the spring, even in the arctic, whether or not there are SUV’s making CO2. (What a concept!)
Of course, Greenland is still a long way from its condition when the Vikings discovered it a millenium ago, and named it GREENLAND because the coastal areas at least were ice-free and GREEN!
Finally, the Chief got caught up enough to also discover that South Dakota’s own Donk Cong Stephanie Sandlin-Herseth was part of the Pelosi GlowBull warming posse, ooking out for South Dakota. Why if she wasn’t on the job, it might even warm up here, to where our temperature MIGHT make it into the 70’s for more than a couple days this summer. What an environmental catastrophe THAT would be, right Stephanie?
Your tax dollar$ at work!
What do you think about Pelosi saying she has seen global warming?
If possible, even less of her than I did before… What an idiot!
Must be a lot of SUVs on the other planets in our system to explain why THEY’RE warming, too.
Having a science degree, NO ONE can go ANYWHERE, and look at ANYTHING for a couple of days, and say that they have “seen” scientific proof of something. The whole idea is totally nutso…but then again, consider the source!