Prez Continues Support for Immigration Trick-or-Treat Act

Bush rallies behind illegals deal

President Bush today promoted the current plan for immigration reform by stumping in Georgia for the much-debated proposal, in a speech aimed at both reassuring and rebuking critics.

“The immigration system is in desperate need for comprehensive reform, and Congress has a historic window to act,” Mr. Bush said.

That last statement at least is true – it’s just too bad that the administrations’s de facto policies and proposals do more harm than good when it comes to fixing the disorder on the borders.

Mr. Bush, speaking at a training facility in Glynco, Ga., for border patrol agents and other immigration enforcement officers, emphasized that the immigration reform plan focuses on border security first…. “We’re working hard to enforce the border, and we’re stepping up enforcement inside the country,” Mr. Bush said.

On can believe as much of that as you want to…for the Chief, it’s not much. Taking Biblical advice: “By their fruits ye shall know them”. Failure to unleash the Border Patrol, and refusal to start construction on more than a few of the 700 miles of authorized barrier give the lie to administration expressions of concern.

“Amnesty is forgiveness for being here without any penalties … This bill is not an amnesty bill. If you want to scare the American people, what you say is, ‘The bill’s an amnesty bill,'” Mr. Bush said. “That’s empty political rhetoric trying to frighten our fellow citizens.”

Excuse me! Amnesty is a CONDITIONAL state by definition…not “without any penalties”. With NO due respect to the President on this, the current Kennedy-McCainiac plan IS a form of amnesty.

Mr. Bush explained the plan, which would require all of the estimated 12 to 20 million illegal aliens living in the U.S. to come forward and register with the government, pay a “meaningful fine,” pay any back taxes, and then either enroll in a guest-worker program or return to their home country and apply for citizenship.

REALITY & LOGIC CHECK: We are unable to round up the illegals and ship them back out, therefore we need THIS plan to deal with the problem, but according to the current bill WILL be able to get them to all come in and register, etc., etc. Come again? This just doesn’t compute! This is totally laughable if it weren’t so sad.


2 thoughts on “Prez Continues Support for Immigration Trick-or-Treat Act”

  1. I may not have “Bush derangement syndrome” but I think I’ve been coming down with “Bush estrangement syndrome” lately…

    Face it, with the choices we had, at least Bush realized that IslamoTerrorists are trying to kill us, but with “No Child Left Behind, the Medicare Drug bill, the expansion of gov’t programs and his position on illegal immigration I’m getting really tired of his administration…

    If you look at him closely, you’ll notice W looks like a liberal…

  2. Even worse is the failure to REALLY aggressively prosecute the war. For example:
    (1) We go into a town.
    (2) They start sniping at us. We withdraw.
    (3) We send in the planes and pulverize the place.
    (4) Repeat (1) through (3) until resistance stops.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. It doesn’t win their hearts and minds. It DID work with Germany and Japan, however.

    The old expression comes to mind – “Drag ’em by the balls, and their hearts and minds will follow.”

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