North American Union on the Road Again

NAFTA super-highway:
Governments never lie, they just don’t tell the truth

“There is absolutely no U.S. government plan for a NAFTA Superhighway of any sort,” says David Bohigian, an assistant secretary of commerce, in reply to a reporter’s question. The article also quotes Senator Kit Bonds as saying that the notion of a NAFTA super-highway is based on “unfounded theories,” with “no credence.”

Sounds solid, right? Guess again!

If these two gentlemen are correct, it will come as a great surprise to the North America’s SuperCorridor Coalition; the Texas Department of Transportation; the City of Fort Worth, and nearly two-dozen other major sponsors of a national conference: “Moving North America Forward,” on “SuperCorridors” they promote. The conference, May 30 – June 1, is designed to move the SuperCorridors projects forward.

Of course, these two gentlemen are not correct. NASCO boasts that it received millions in grants from the federal government. And TexDOT has been notified that its federal highway funding is in jeopardy if the state legislature’s two-year moratorium on toll-road construction is not overturned. The federal government is definitely involved in the creation of NAFTA SuperCorridors, but at an arms-length, sufficient to have “plausible deniability.”

The NAFTA SuperCorridors are but a part of the much broader agenda which seeks to create a North American Community. This goal is also denied by government officials – even while government employees from Mexico, Canada, and the U.S., meet daily in working groups to “harmonize” rules and regulations that will “integrate” the three nations.

Like we really want to have Mexican-style corruption, and Canuckian socialism imported here?

Keep your powder dry!