Islamberg Update III

Radical Muslim paramilitary compounds flourishing across the United States:
Islamberg not the only radical Muslim compound flourishing in North America

The story just keeps on coming – and unfortunately is doesn’t seem to be getting any better.

The two FBI types breaking bread with the enemy in the photo above at “Islamberg” look right at home to Canada Free Press (CFP). {ChiefNoteâ„¢: See the original article linked above for pic.) Notice the weapons these dudes are wearing at the dinner table? Islamberg is just one of what is thought to be a half dozen radical Muslim paramilitary compounds flourishing across the United States, this one nestled in dense forest at the foothills of the Catskill Mountains on the outskirts of Hancock, New York….

Now that the photos of the two unidentified FBI types have been published, we will undoubtedly hear that they were merely working undercover. But some sticklers would consider saying cheese from the dinner table of the enemy is over the top.

“Undercover”? Wearing guns openly? Yeah, right!

At least there’s a SLIGHt notice in the MSM since these stories have broken, but all too often the coverage is minimal, and apparently to be avoided at all costs:

You’d think that these compounds would be a priority for Homeland Security, but they aren’t. One of the letters to Williams via CFP was from a member of Homeland Security asking for more information!

It seems to be politically incorrect to write about radical Muslim paramilitary compounds flourishing on American soil and politically incorrect to talk about terrorism.

For some American and Canadian citizens, it’s welcome to life with a deadly enemy living right next door.

The fix is in? This only raises other questions: WHO’s fixing it, and why?