The RINO in the White House

Bush, senators agree on alien citizenship, shut out critics

A big meeting in the White House featuring the Donk leadership and the prime members of the RINO (Republicans in Name Only) caucus in the senate as they celebrate their intention to grant amnesty to the millions of illegal aliens who have run the borders.

President Bush and a group of senators yesterday reached general agreement on an immigration bill that includes a pathway to citizenship for many illegal aliens.

Senate Donk leader “Dingy Harry” Ried is pleased with the scheme they are cooking up for us:

“I’m not in the habit of patting the president on the back and sending him accolades, but I have to say that this meeting that we just had, I have to pat the president on the back,” said Minority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat. “This was really, I thought, a good, good meeting.”

Hellooo? Harry Reid LIKES it?! That in itself is enough to convince the Chief that this will be really, really BAD.

The rest of the dishonor roll is as follows:

Also in yesterday’s meeting were Republican RINO Sens. Bill Frist, Lindsey Graham, Judd Gregg, Chuck Hagel, John McCain and Mitch McConnell, and Democratic Donk Sens. Richard J. Durbin, Edward M. Kennedy, Patrick J. Leahy, Joe Lieberman, Robert Menendez, Barack Obama and Ken Salazar.

As if Reid isn’t enough – “Turbin” Durbin, “Splash” Kennedy, Leahy, Obama, and of course senators representing the Hispaniz Aztlan: Menendez, and Salazar!!!

One can’t really blame the Donks – they do what is in their nature to do, but as for the President and the RINOS, there should be at least some semblence of Constitutionality left from their former Republican principles, but apparently this is not the case.

In addition to this meeting, Bush spouted off on the issue