The National Border Patrol Council has filed an unfair labor practices complaint against U.S. Border Patrol Chief David V. Aguilar, saying he sought to “intimidate” field agents in an effort to discredit a “no-confidence” vote by the union’s leadership. The Federal Labor Relations Authority complaint, brought by NBPC Vice President George E. McCubbin III, said Chief Aguilar “willfully and blatantly” violated federal guidelines when he sent a top aide to seek a “show of hands” among field agents for those who supported the chief in the wake of the no-confidence vote.
The upshot here:
The Border Patrol AGENTS don’t like the way they feel management is preventing them from properly doing their job due to strictures placed on them by administration driven political correctness and kowtowing to the Latino/Mexican movement.
The Border Patrol MANAGEMENT is embarrassed by that – and properly feel that if the public is aware of their fecklessness that there might even be some negative consequences to them…as there should be!