FBI Starting to Wake Up? One can only hope!

FBI, security officials warn of growing threat from Islamic extremists ‘next door’>

In case you thought the Chief may have been a bit overly cautious in his concerns about the previously noted “Islamberg” article, there is this from the FBI:

Plots by American-based Islamic terrorists with no direct ties to international terror networks form a large and growing threat to the American homeland, FBI and other security officials say. “The trend we’re seeing is that we are uncovering more instances of people here who have been radicalized … where there is not a direct thumbprint of al-Qaeda,” says John Miller, the FBI’s assistant director for public affairs.

ONCE AND FOR ALL WE HAVE GOT TO GET PAST THIS CONCEPT THAT THE G.W.O.T. ONLY INVOLVES INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS!! Islamoterrorism is a religiously based ideology – and like many other aspects of religion it can be an intensely personally driven mindset. It should be no surprise that individuals, or groups of individuals are inclined to act independently on the basis of their deeply held beliefs.

It must be the ACTIONS and MOTIVATION that defines Islamofascist terrorism – NOT some organizational affiliation or ties.

If it walks like a duck, has feathers, and quacks like a duck – the Chief is ready to call it a duck – whether or not it’s affiliated with Donald or Daffy.