Argus Bows to PC for Islamoterr Story

Double Dose of Downplaying GWOT in NJ Incident

The Sioux Falls Argus Loser Liar Leader has apparently taken what the Chief considers to be a weasel-minded mealy-mouth approach to reporting on what is arguably one of the more significant incidents concerning the activities of our neighboring practioners of the so-called “religion of peace”.

On the front page of the Argus today there is a story (not linked on their website!) with a headline that reads as follows:

6 accused of plotting to kill soldiers
“Islamic radicals” planned to hit base in Fort Dix, NJ authorities say

The body of the story reports the details of the planning and training the Islamoterrs were doing, and notes that among the key evidence was video showing the perps “shooting assault weapons on a firing range while calling for ‘jihad’ and shouting in Arabic ‘Allahu Akbar” (‘God is Great’).

Also noted were the origins of the terr wanna-bes as being in the US from Jordan, Turkey, and “Yugoslavia”, the latter of which doesn’t exist per se anymore – stating it this way avoids identifying them as ethnic “Albanians” as they were described in other reports, would make it obvious that the perps in question were of the Islamic persuasion.

So…the description of their origin is apparently a move on the part of the writer to downplay the Islamic background of the perps, and the headline of the Argus only continues the genuflection towards the shibboleth of political correctness by putting the term “Islamic radicals” in quotes.

Hello? “Islamic radicals” in quotes? Like may be this is just an FBI or NJ State Police plot to trump up some specious involvement of Muslims in a planned terrorist assault and theyREALLY are just somehow alleged to be “Islamic radicals”.

What a crock of BS! Both the Philly Enquirer writer and the Airgas-Loser’s headline writers need to once and for all wake up and smell the gunsmoke, and (finally) accept the fact that yes, indeed, there really IS a war on terror – one that isn’t necessarily linked only to al Qaeda or Iran or the Taliban or…whoever.

To continue to evade this unpleasant reality shows such a lack of situational awareness that the credibility of the MSM right here in Sioux Falls evidently leaves much to be desired. But THAT is certainly not any news, is it?