Calling a Spade a Spade, eh?

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid:
An Open Campaign of Lies, Bribery and Treason

The full-court press to turn Iraq into the next Vietnam is a story of international intrigue, wholesale lies, congressional bribery and systemic partisan treason on a scale never before seen in the United States. The entire world is watching, including our enemies, and nobody is calling it a scandal?

Today’s Democrat Party has reduced itself to the most anti-American organization in the world, yet the American press has yet to question a single outright lie, shine a light on the wholesale bribery used to buy the anti-American votes calling for retreat, surrender and defeat in the war on terror, or point out a single overt act of treason, now common place among liberal Democrats.

Speaker Pelosi and Senate Leader Reid call their surrender bill a “$124 billion bi-partisan Iraq spending bill to support our troops”. But every word of it is an outright lie!…Most importantly, the $96 billion actually authorized for the Iraq mission is tied to effectively, an immediate retreat in defeat clause forcing the American military to agree to surrender in Iraq as early as July ’07, but no later than October ’07. This is modern Democrats’ idea of “bi-partisan support for our troops.”

The Chief couldn’t have said it any better! There’s a lot more there…check it out.

One thought on “Calling a Spade a Spade, eh?”

  1. In a new video posted today on the Internet, al Qaeda’s number two man, Ayman al Zawahiri, mocks the bill passed by Congress setting a timetable for the pullout of U.S. troops in Iraq.

    “This bill will deprive us of the opportunity to destroy the American forces which we have caught in a historic trap,” Zawahiri says in answer to a question posed to him an interviewer. – Well, it sounds like the Democrats DO have some strong support…

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