No nice guys among robber barons in pet food industry
More on this situation continues to come out…but noticeably NOT in the USA MSM…apparently this doesn’t fit the NY Slimes’ test of “All the news that fits, we print”…so once again this report comes from the Great White North, eh?
The robber barons of the $15-billion-a-year pet food industry are not nice guys They’re not the guy next door who happened to go into the right business; not like Joe the Barber where you can go get your money back for a bumbled buzz cut or Uncle Charlie in the chocolate factory.
It’s thanks to the allusive robber barons of the multi-billion dollar pet industry and their unbridled greed that melamine-tainted pet food has now made its way into poultry at 38 Indiana farms.
Read the article for more of the sad details. These guys are the sort of turkeys that give capitalism a bad name.