Oakland Fire Repeats WTC Damage Effect

…Partial Freeway Collapse

The damage to highway overpasses in Oakland produced some views evocative of Salvador Dali’s art, with a roadway seemingly melted and draped flaccidly over another.


The threat of a nightmarish morning commute led many Bay Area residents to use public transportation Monday, one day after a fiery tanker crash caused a heavily trafficked section of freeway to collapse.

The elevated section of highway that carries motorists from the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge to a number of freeways was destroyed early Sunday when the heat of a burning gasoline tanker truck weakened part of one overpass, crumpling it onto another.

OK. So…a gasoline tanker crashed and burned (fortunately the driver got away with minor burns) and the heat led to the collapse of highway overpasses. This happened because the burning fuel raised the temperature of the overpasses structural steel (even inside of the concrete!) so much that it weakened and/or melted, allowing the collapse…sort of like what happened to the World Trade Towers UNPROTECTED structural supports after THEY were roasted by burning jet fuel!

Another nail in the rhetorical coffin of the 9-11 conspiracy moonbats like Rosie whatsherface, et al. Don’t worry about them though…this shouldn’t slow them down, since they’ve never been stopped by pesky reality before.

2 thoughts on “Oakland Fire Repeats WTC Damage Effect”

  1. Great point made here as to relating it to the WTC 1 and 2 buildings

    . However, regarding the conspiracy, have you seen the footage of WTC building #7 collapsing?


    A plane didn’t hit this building and there were a few scattered fires in the building. Watch how UNIFORMILY this building comes down. How can small fires cause this building to fall the way it did? Conrolled demolition is the only explanation.

    Buy the way, Rosie stated that WTC #7 was the one taken down by explosives; not WTC 1 or 2.

    I’ll buy your explanation for WTC #1 and 2 but there’s NO WAY for WTC #7….. It’s pretty obvious SOMETHING else is going on in 7.

    Thanks for the opportunity to respond in your blog.

    Jeff Delagado

  2. I direct your attention to the following from a Bill Whittle essay at

    Have you ever seen a controlled demolition? Shows like this are all over The Discovery Channel. Do these people realize how all of the insulation and paneling must be stripped away from the support beams? Do they not understand how these beams must be cut open and the explosives placed with great care? Have they not any idea of the amount of time this takes — months — and the forest of wires that runs through the structure to the detonating mechanism? Have they given no thought — none? — to what an enormous job this is, and how much work goes into getting these explosives exactly where they need to be?

    Apparently not. They just figure someone leaves a suitcase somewhere, I guess.

    Anyone who has ever — ever — seen what is required to bring down a building of that size knows that the site is a disaster area of det cord, pulled paneling, and huge bundles of explosives taped to the structural columns across many floors. Has no one considered that this all had to be started after everyone went home on Monday night and before people reported for work the next day? On multiple floors of two of the busiest public spaces in the world?

    No one noticed this on Tuesday morning? Hey Jim, what do you suppose that huge bundle of plastic explosives is doing there where the water cooler used to be? And where do those wires go? Well, must be some logical explanation. Let’s get some coffee and bagels.

    Now you’re talking!

    Of all the people in those buildings that morning, no one — no one — saw any wires anywhere? No one asked why the drywall was torn down and replaced with grey stuff duct-taped into place? None of the firemen rushing into those burning towers, checking all those floors for survivors — none of them noticed the building was rigged to explode? That it might possibly be worth a small call on the radio?

    I HIGHLY recommend reading the whole essay. It’s REALLY terrific!

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