Rapid-fire pulse brings Sandia Z method near goal of high-yield fusion reactor
THIS is the sort of progress that rejuvenates the Chief’s sometimes frazzled spirit of optimism!
This achievement has been described as “amazing” and “the biggest breakthrough in energy generation in decades”. It seems to indicate that no scientific hurdle stands in the way of nuclear fusion. Just 5-7 years of engineering and configuring about 60 next generation linear transformer drivers. Then refining the system for commercial use starting in 20 years or less. All the pieces are now ready and proven, we just need to put them together for commercial nuclear fusion. The Z-pinch system is also the basis of the minimag Orion space propulsion concept which enables speeds 50 times or more faster than current chemical rockets.
OPEC should read it and weep! YOU can read it and smile!
H/T to The Devil’s Kitchen from England.