What Was Cho’s REAL Motive? Part 2

Was VA Tech Massacre A Terrorist Attack?

Picked up the following from a site called Christian Worldview Network. First, some background on the sourcing:

The following is a letter from a Rabbi in Virginia. Several other sources have confirmed aspects of this story. It truly appears the mainstream media is ignoring what looks like what was a terrorist attack. Officials need to release the audio and/or transcripts of the other videos made by this terrorist.

The letter, which is worth reading in itself includes this heavy-duty nugget:

I also spoke this morning…with a peace officer here in Virginia who had access to and has read some of the transcripts of the other ten videos that are not being shown on the news. The shooter (Cho) was quoting verses from the Koran, and had Ishmael written on his arm and as his return address on the package sent to NBC. It appears that he did not randomly pick his targets but rather chose classes that had high concentrations of Christians and Jews in them-he was targeting Christians and Jews!!!!!

This may never come out in the media and some may tend to disregard this but my source is a solid believer and a trustworthy officer who has personally read some of the transcripts. What adds to this is that the press is not mentioning that a very high percentage of the victims were believers.

OK. The whitewash can is open, and the brushes are out. Anything but admit that we just might have a problem with internal Muslim terrorism!