More NorK Nukes Probable

N. Korea making nukes, will test again, general says

Like the Chief said in an earlier posting when the administration made a ballyhooed announcement of the resumption of talks with the NorKs – We’ve been rope-a-doped again. but at least the generals know it. Now, if someone in Congress would just pay attention….

North Korea is continuing to develop nuclear weapons and will conduct additional underground blasts aimed at regional “intimidation,” the commander of U.S. forces in South Korea said yesterday. “Unless the six-party talks process prevails, we expect North Korea to continue nuclear weapons research and development to perpetuate its strategy of intimidation,” Army Gen. Burwell B. Bell told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

North Korea is continuing to produce plutonium from a reactor at Yongbyon and now has produced up to 110 pounds of the radioactive material, enough for several weapons, Gen. Bell said.

An ugly situation isn’t getting any prettier.