Hamas’ Short Reign Is Long on Problems
Looks like it’s easier for the Ham-ass Paleswinians to kill people and break things that it is to take part in actually managing something.
The Islamist group Hamas, in control of the Palestinian Authority for less than a month, is already in deeper trouble than critics had predicted: diplomatically isolated, profoundly in debt and in a state of increasing internal disarray.
“The question is really where they can go from here,” Palestinian analyst Talal Okal said. “It looks like a dead end – but one that could drag down everyone else along with them.” Still uncertain is whether ordinary Palestinians would prefer to see a flawed and struggling Hamas government stay afloat rather than witness the fulfillment of what they see as Israeli and U.S. wishes to bring about its downfall.
Where is there hope in this:
“Our help is from Allah, not from America and the West,” said Hamed abu Harbid, a 27-year-old government employee who is scrambling to support his elderly parents as well as his wife and two daughters in the absence of a paycheck. “A collapse of the Hamas government wouldn’t mean the alternative was any better.”
Uh…Hamed…you have a severe case of poor situational awareness.
However this situation evolves, it isn’t going to be pretty.