No Linkage Found: Hurricanes, Global Warming

A couple of postings on TCS both relate to this message:

Global Warming and Hurricanes: Still No Connection

A scientific team led by Peter Webster of the Georgia Institute of Technology today published findings in Science magazine. The team claimed to have found evidence in the historical record of both more tropical cyclones, such as Hurricane Katrina, but also a higher percentage of more intense ones….The conclusion many draw from papers such as these is that anthropogenic global warming from the burning of fossil fuels by humans is causing more lethal storms. A closer look, though, reveals not human action but rather natural cycles are the primary cause.

The piece goes on with the analysis of the findings that demonstrates that they CANNOT prove what is claimed.

Coalition of the Seething

The organization of a broad coalition of envirowacko groups is used here to focus on the lack of substantive scientific evidence in support of a human caused global warming catastrophe.

Claims that Katrina is due to global warming are not supported by scientific or historical evidence, but that doesn’t stop the hysteria. Beliefs that hurricanes have increased in frequency and severity are simply false. The only measurable increase is in the cost of repairing the damage. This is mostly explained by natural cost increases, exploitation of demand for materials and more people living in regions of climate hazards.

Claims of severe weather increasing in the future are also scientifically and historically wrong. More severe weather is associated with cooling not warming. Storms and tornadoes occur along the boundary between the warm subtropical air and the cold polar air known as the Polar Front. The power of the storms is a function of the temperature contrast across the Front known as the Zonal Index. Global warming theory says the polar air will warm more than the subtropical air thus reducing the temperature contrast and the potential for severe weather.

OK. If the science is really weak here, then what’s the agenda? Some other driving force?

Kyoto was an attempt to control, limit or even weaken industrialized nations built on capitalism, trade and democracy. Maurice Strong, principle architect of the Rio conference and it’s offspring Kyoto, reportedly said. “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized nations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” Now Kyoto is unmasked as unworkable because it pays very high economic cost for absolutely no gain. Even attempts to suggest it was about pollution failed. Charles Dumont of Lombard Street Research says it “would in no way prevent global warming” and puts the cost at 16 trillion dollars.

Of COURSE! It global warming, Kyoto et al makes a great Trojan Horse for the warmed over vomit of socialism. Shocking! Simply shocking!