Architect offers to alter Flight 93 memorial to appease critics
The Flight 93 memorial design as a crescent (like the symbol of Islam, in memorial to victims of Islamofascism) was earlier noted by the Chief here. Agreeing with thos who declared that this design would be in the same spirit as planting flowers in a swastika pattern as a memorial at Auschwitz, the Chief strongly disliked this design.
It took approx. two and a half days for the National Park Service and the architects to recognize that they were spitting into the wind on this one, and announce that the design would be changed.
The architect of the memorial to a plane downed in western Pennsylvania on Sept. 11, 2001, said Wednesday he would work to satisfy critics who complained that it honors terrorists with its crescent-shaped design.
At least they weren’t as oblivious to the concerns about the design as those pushing the WTC memorial have been. Progress of a sort.