Two sides prepare for abortion fight
As was expected, the recently passed SD law regulating abortion has generated legal challenges and may well end up before the SCOTUS. From the sound of this, it sounds like both sides are pulling out all the stops.
Professionals with impressive credentials and experience in medicine and ethics are being lined up on both sides of a court case that will decide if doctors in South Dakota must tell women that abortions end lives.
In spite of having a sort of neo-libertarian orientation, the Chief, as a biologist, cannot see the logic in legalized pre-natal infanticide, absent a threat to the life of the mother – oh, yeah – also in cases of rape and incest. In THOSE cases, the scum who committed the crimes should not have the right to have their genes passed on as the result of these brutally coercive acts. (To quote SciFi writer Larry Niven: “Just think of it as evolution in action.”)
Another aspect of the abortion debate sometimes results in rather indiscriminate use of the concept of “pro-life” as being the touchstone for determining ultimate morality. This citation takes the commandment which in English reads “Thou shalt not kill” as a moral absolute.
The Chief notes the original Hebrew would be closer to “Thou shalt not murder” – or take INNOCENT life. What could be more innocent than an unborn infant. Likewise, what innocence is left in an individual who HAS shed innocent blood by murder, or committed that ultimate social betrayal known as treason. In those cases, hang ’em high…but save the babies!
I am always against abortion because it is a sin to kill an innocent child.”*:
Abortion should really be banned forever and those who do it should be jailed.