Gov. Romney – Another Pol Who “Gets it”.

Fighting Terrorism in the U.S.

Gov. Mit Romney (R-MA) has deGov. finitely poked the hornets’ nest of political correctness with a big stick in a speech before the Heritage Foundation. He reiterated in an interview with Gibson on Fox News:

And, in some cases, I’m sure the FBI infiltrates organizations they’re concerned about. If they have probable cause, they’re able to do wiretapping. And those are the tools that, of course, we use in protecting the homeland. What we need to do is more of that and have more resources devoted to the FBI in their effort to do intelligence work and counterintelligence work.

We don’t need different tools. We need to use the tools we have got under the Patriot Act (search) and under our current laws to assure that we really are following groups that are preaching terror, that we really are following people who come here from terror-sponsored states, where that’s appropriate, where we have concerns, that we have the resources necessary to prevent the bombs from going off, rather than just the resources to clean up afterwards.

In a later apppearance on O’Reilly Factor this evening, when asked what he thought of the ACLY complaining that his remarks and the policy advocated in them would have a “chilling effect” on foriegn students coming to the US. Romney’s reply? Words to the effect that he would hope that students from terrorist-supporting countries like Saudi Arabia and others WOULD stay away – that it would make our security problem that much better if they were not here!

HEAR, HEAR! Right on, Gov’nor!