Blankley Gets It!

‘An Islamist threat like the Nazis’

Except for radio talker Michael Savage, the Chief has seen no one else in the media with as much situational awareness as Tony Blankley does with this article, and apparently this book.

The threat of the radical Islamists taking over Europe is every bit as great to the United States as was the threat of the Nazis taking over Europe in the 1940s.

We cannot afford to lose Europe. We cannot afford to see Europe transformed into a launching pad for Islamist jihad.

While we in the United States and Europe have vast resources for protecting ourselves, we have thought ourselves into a position of near impotence.


This is the first of a three-part series in the Washington Times – it looks to be well worth following. Blankley also has a new book out on the same topic. Looks to be a “must-read” for the Chief…and if you can’t figure it out, I concur entirely with the premise and significance of this view.

UPDATE: Here’s part 2 of the series just posted:
Needed: Old war spirit in a new war