Feinstein insists U.S. not bound to protect Taiwan
Senator Di Feinstein (Donk-CA) has spread her posture to present her diplomatic warm fuzzy to ChiCom Dictator President Hu (who?) Jintao in the form of acquiescence to the ChiComs’ desire to absorb Taiwan.
In remarks certain to please visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao, U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein on Thursday told a gathering of Chinese-American business and cultural leaders in San Francisco that the United States has no obligation to defend Taiwan if it provokes China into a military confrontation.
“It is important to point out a common misconcephttp://www.radioactivechief.com/mt/mt.cgi?__mode=view&_type=entry&blog_id=4#
Quotetion — nowhere does the TRA explicitly require the U.S. to go to war with the mainland over Taiwan.” Feinstein said, referring to the Taiwan Relations Act, at the annual conference of the Committee of 100 in San Francisco. The group helps foster U.S.-China relations.
Sounds like a carte blanche to the Chief. When the US Ambassador to Iraq said something similar about Kuwait vis-a-vis Iraq in 1991, the result was the Kuwait invasion, Gulf-War I, which set up and led to the present situation over there.
Hopefully the ChiComs are smart enough to realize that Feinstein is NOT part of the administration, or even a State Department diploweenie.