Flight 93 Memorial to Honor Islam?!

“Crescent of Embrace” Selected Design

Few would protest the appropriateness of a memorial at the site of the crash of United Flight 93 near Shanksville, PA on 9-11. More than a few are apparently appalled, as is the Chief, by the design that was selected:


What in the world possesses some of these people when they do something like this. Here’s the group of people featured on this evening’s TV special (Discovery ch.) THE FLIGHT THAT FOUGHT BACK, being supposedly honored by a design that effectively creates a large Islamic crescent on the landscape using red-leaved trees.

Are they REALLY so dense as to be oblivious to the reactions to this, or is there some other agenda of uber-political correctness? One has to wonder.

Michelle Malkin
has about as complete a presentation on this as anywhere, with links to other explanatory sites.