Fuel protests ‘will bring Britain to a standstill’
This is in the category of “I complained because I had no shoes…then I met a man who had no feet.”
Fuel protesters vow to bring Britain to a standstill this week as the cost of petrol sits at a record £5 a gallon.
Let’s see – £1 = $1.50 more or less. So $7.50 per gallon! Yowch! And it isn’t just the market forces at play over there either:
The fuel tax duty of 47.1p a litre collected by the Government accounts for about half the cost of petrol sold at today’s prices. British drivers pay far more than those in France and the United States, where prices per litre average 85.22p and 37.9p respectively.
(Emphasis added)
And we think WE have it rough!