Another Disaster Prophecy?

California’s New Orleans

Quick, name an American city of 450,000 where the majority of the population is non-white, where a quarter of the population lives in poverty, and where some of the city streets are, even on a dry day, below sea level. New Orleans, of course. But also Long Beach, California.

What happened in NOLA could apparently also happen in California’s Long Beach, complete with large minority populations left at the mercy of the elements. The biggest difference is that they are being kept that way by envirowackos who feel that a “natural” beachfront is better than bothering to protect people & their homes, etc.

Parts of the city in southern Los Angeles county stand an average three feet below sea level, compared to eight feet for New Orleans. Yet despite all the talk from the political left that the Bush administration has effectively drowned New Orleans residents, that same political left is working assiduously to leave Long Beach residents exposed.

Typical moonbat logic – or lack therof – never to be bothered by a mere bugaboo of being consistant.

Read the rest to gain a bit more insight into the mind of the elitist envirowacko cult of nature uber alles.