Promises Action in Spite of RINOs in Gang of 14
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) warned Democrats yesterday that he will not hesitate to trigger the so-called “nuclear option†to enforce an eleventh-hour deal that a centrist coalition of 14 lawmakers struck Monday on President Bush’s stalled judicial nominees.
At least some in the Senate continue to fly the Republican flag instead of the white flag of the RINO caucus. Meanwhile, two of the RINOs are developing their waffling skills to a previously unheard of level:
Sens. Lindsey Graham
(R-SC)(RINO-SC)and Mike DeWine(R-O)(RINO-O), two of the seven Republican signatories to the memorandum of understanding on the judges, backed up Frist, threatening to vote for the option should Democrats attempt to block nominees in circumstances that the two lawmakers would not consider “extraordinary.â€Â
So what’s THAT all about? Feeling some heat from back home? Or what?
Anyway, the CHief hopes that Frist and the remaining real GOP senators go ahead and PUSH the agenda to the max, & let the chips fall where they may. At least that way the wafflers on both sides wpuld be exposed for once and for all for what they really are, or are not. THAT would seriously clear the air!