Meanwhile, Holocaust II Promoted in London
There are reports out of the mid-east that one of the most disreputable, slanderous, and evil pieces of anti-Jewish propaganda that came from a non-Nazi source has been published on the OFFICIAL Palestinian Authority website – BUT ONLY IN THE ARABIC version. It would seem that even the Palestinian Islamofascists have enough common sense not to publish it it English, to keep it’s outside exposure down.
An official Palestinian Authority information website directly affiliated with President Mahmoud Abbas has published on its Arabic language section a copy of the ”Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” a classic anti-Semitic forgery…, the official Internet website of the Palestinian State Information Service, SIS, published an Arabic translation to the ”Protocols,” a notorious forgery authorized by the anti-Semetic Czarist police in early 20th-Century Russia…
These are the same folks that the moonbats say we need to sympathetically understand, and that we should FORCE Israel to make whatever concessions are needed to achieve “peace”.
Making peace with that attitude on the other side would be tantamount to lining up to march peacefully back into Auschwitz – for a new holocaust in the middle east is evidently the goal of the Palestinian and other Islamofascists.
Where’s the MSM crying about THIS hate speech? MIA once again.
At the same time, The Jerusalem Post described a Eurabian rally against Israel’s existance in London’s Trafalgar square. The participation and comments made are instructive as to the nature of the Islamofascists and their useful idiot and crypto (or maybe not so crypto in some cases) anti-semite supporters:
A central London rally organized by the British Palestine Solidarity Campaign on Saturday heard Respect Party MP George Galloway advocate a general boycott of Israel, as well as other speeches calling for Israel’s destruction.
Remember Galloway? Last week before a Congressional Committee due to documentary evidence that he received proceeds from illegal use of Iraqi oil-for-food money in exchange for supporting Sod-em Hussein.
The Chief is not going to repat the whole article, but a representative sample of the comments being made is again, illustrative of the nature of the beast:
“We urge our government to cease all trade with Israel,” said Jeremy Corbyn, a backbench Labor MP,…Former Labor MP Tony Benn said that “the apartheid wall should be removed,” referring to the security fence built by Israel to prevent Palestinian suicide bombers from reaching Israeli cities….Calling American president George W. Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon the “two most dangerous men in the world,” Benn condemned America’s military presence in Afghanistan and Iraq, and Israel’s anti-terrorism measures….Galloway, the newly elected MP for the anti-Iraq war Respect Party, used the rally as an attempt to launch an international boycott of Israel.
Yadda, yadda, yadda. Typical moonbat crapola. When the Islamofascists themselves started to unwind, things started getting REALLY ugly, and revealing of what we’re up against in the terror war:
Azzam Tamimi, head of the Muslim Association of Britain, delivered an Islamist speech, guided by an ideology that rejects nation states in favor of a global Islamic state. “There are 22 stupid Arab states, why have another stupid Palestinian state?” he asked.
Ooops! The old Freudian slip is showing here: “a global Islamic state”. Sort of brings to mind the old days of the USSR.