Fails to Support Agency That’s Potential SD lab operator
The details of this one are reported by no less than Dave Kranz in the Argus this AM.
One hope for recharging the shaky West River South Dakota economy is having the National Science Foundation choose the old Homestake Gold Mine as the site for a national underground laboratory.
A bipartisan letter signed by 167 U.S. House members has been sent to a subcommittee in support of an increase in President Bush’s budget for the NSF in Fiscal Year 2006.
Although the letter does not directly affect Homestake, given the foundation’s possible relationship with the state, it is surprising Rep. Stephanie Herseth did not sign the letter, which was initiated to support the NSF’s budget request. Signing the letter for the sake of appearance would have looked better than not signing it.
As far as the Chief is concerned, Herseth shows a real capability for true membership in the Moonbat Caucus by her detachment from a seriously important issue to the state; is it Beltway fever causing disconnectt from SD concerns, setting in already?
Or is it that it’s the wrong part of the state? The Homestake lab is West River, not noted for being Donk country. In either case, it isn’t a good move of her part – and could very possibly come back to bite her in ’06.