Privateers and Mercenaries
Most of this article by one Doug Casey from WND is a load of tripe, IMHO. I think the writer has a fundamental misunderstanding of what’s happening with Islamofascism (which he calls Islamism), and thinks apparently that if we weren’t over there meddling with their oil fields and exporting McDonald’s that they would leave us alone.
To this end, it is suggested that ALL US military presence should be withdrawn from EVERYWHERE, and that it would then be time for millenial peace, apparently. I guess, given the commentator’s background in international financial speculation, he has a tendency to interpret events in terms of geo-economic terms. Fair enough, everyone has a point of view, but from the Chief’s perspective he’s overlooking some fundamental historical trends.
If one examines the world map & highlights where wars are going on, far and away in most cases Islamofascism is involved. For example, the Phillipine Islamic guerilla insurrection, Islamic rebels in Thailand, Islamic Pakistan vs. (mostly) Hindu India, the old Bosnian – Serb argument, the Chechens & others mad at the Russians, even Islamists active in central Asiatic China, the slavery and genocide of animists and Christians in Sudan, and of course the terror war against the west playing out in the US, UK, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, etc. T
Now I could be mistaken, but most of these conflicts have nothing to do with the USA – but ALL of them involve radical Islamists, or Islamofascists. Many of these conflicts have deep historical roots, for a reason – the perennial drive of Islam in history to extend its sway via conquest and military domination, using whatever vehicle was at hand. This picture gives an example, illustrating one reason why, historically, the Serbs might not exactly like the Bosnian Moslems. The main driver for the Islamofascists’ violence is an internal, religious one – NOT external events, which are used only as a smoke-screen.
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be fair now. thought that horrible division did exist the vast majority of muslims in jugoslavia supported if not joined the partisans during WWII. the partisans were a beautiful mix of orthodox ( mostly serbs) catholics, muslims, jews, communists, socialists, anyone who was opposed to hitler and lets just say there were alot of those. Also i find it interesting u chose to concentrate on the small muslim fraction when the real nazi support in the balkans came from chetniks ( essentially serbian nazis) and ustasha who liked the idea of ‘racial cleansing’ and were essentially responsible for the recent balkan wars. i think you should do a bit more research before blaming the tensions between 2 groups on something that really had NOTHING to do with it. proof? that wasn’t an issue AT ALL under tito’s time. but cetniks have always been keen on cleansing and conflicts.
also,bosnian muslims were denied practically any rights until tito came to power after WWII (they weren’t even recognized), …. “illustrating one reason why, historically, the Serbs might not exactly like the Bosnian Moslems”. historically there is alot for the for the inverse. your opinions seem vary biased (im not negatively criticizing by the way, sorry if that tone comes off). i honestly wish people would wise up and go back to judging a person based on his actions and who he is, rather than making assumption s due to name and religion.
end of mini rant. have a nice day