Revival of “Das Reich“?

Americans Portrayed as Bloodsuckers

There’s a striking resemblence between some contemporary anti-American propaganda and some similar campaigns 70 years ago. This, from those charming folks who gifted Europe with WWII and the holocaust. (Bi-lingual pun there: the gas canisters at Auschwitz were labeled Giftgas!)

This is clearly laid out here, and is very interesting. I can still recall from when I was a young pup, and was watching some sort of program on TV that was noting the 15th anniversary of the end of WWII. An executive from Thyssen Steel was being interviewed about Germany then and now. I recall one question in particular, because my Dad’s (a veteran of the 1944-45 Italian campaign) reaction to the question and it’s answer caught my attention and started a conversation.

The question was whether or not the German industrialist thought that it was possible that something like the 3rd Reich could occur again in Germany. His (translated) answer was to the effect that “No, not again. There were serious mistakes made then. We wouldn’t make mistakes like that again.” That was enough to make my Dad chuckle and mutter “I’ll just bet they won’t!” Further conversation revealed to my teenaged brain the clear double meaning of that answer. Openly saying that “Germany wouldn’t go down that path again” but with a subtextual message that “Germany wouldn’t screw up again in the future and lose the war…Deutschland uber alles!”

He had a deep feeling that our next BIG war wouldn’t be against Russia, (This in the depths of the Cold War!) but would have us somehow lined up against Germany again. I’m not sure he wasn’t right, especially after seeing stuff like this.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.