Brigham Young once stated words to the effect, that if there were some fragment of truth in hell, go down to hell, seize that truth, and bring it back.
In that spirit, Dennis Prager, posting on the earlier mentioned Puffington Post has some pithy thoughts on the current crop of campus neo-barbs that are popping up like a fungal bloom on the diseased (if not quite yet deceased) body of contemporary academia:
“I do not believe the Left recognizes how thin the line between civilization and chaos/evil is. As a Jew born shortly after the Holocaust, Nazi Germany and the gas chambers play a great role in my thinking. I recognize that the most cultured European country built Auschwitz; that Nazism was a secular, not a Christian ideology; that Ph.D.’s and intellectuals led the way to the death camps just as they did to the Gulag and other Communist holocausts.
Universities and museums were morally worthless in Weimar and Nazi Germany as they are now in America and Europe. So I have a primal fear of the moral chaos that follows the breaking down of America’s real moral foundations, such as Judeo-Christian values, public decency, freedom of speech, and the military.”
Definitely something to ponder here.