Denatured History on The Silver Screen

Giving Hollywood hell over ‘Heaven’

Jim Pinkerton comments on the less than stellar success of Ridley Scott’s new crusader epic.

It seems that too much PC has probably resulted in too little historical reality. Also, perhaps pro-Islam/bad-Christians is NOT a good selling point for us res-state infidels during the war against Islamofascism (in both forms as terrs and states, i.e. Iran, Syria.).

The first time I saw a promo for this flick, I noted to Mrs. Chief that either the movie would be totally crucified in the media for being harshly bigoted, or, it would be so watered down that it wouldn’t be worth seeing. Too bad it’s the latter – the Chief enjoys a good rip-snortin’ historical epic, as long as it’s not denatured like this one apparently is. Oh well.