It runs in the family?

Prince Charles to plead Islam’s cause to Bush

The Prince of Wales will try to persuade George W Bush and Americans of the merits of Islam this week because he thinks the United States has been too intolerant of the religion since September 11.

Sheesh! This is right up there along with “Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?”

The Prince, who leaves on Tuesday for an eight-day tour of the US, has voiced private concerns over America’s “confrontational” approach to Muslim countries and its failure to appreciate Islam’s strengths.

One supposes that it might be expected that Prince Dhimmi would ap0ologize for Islam, whose primary written foundation spells out in no uncertain terms what the proper relationship is between Islam and the rest of us: Islam calling the tune, and the rest of us properly in submission.

There is a precedent for this – the sympathy, wink and nod for Der Fuhrer and his Reich by Prince Charlie’s uncle Ed (Edward VIII morphed into the Duke of Windsor) during the 30’s.

Any old fascism will apparently do, the original variety or the Islamofascist one.
