Miers Nominatin and Direction of Bush Administration:

BUCHANAN: Miers May Have Helped Save Bush’s Presidency

While the Chief views some of Patrick Buchanan’s opinions with a certain skepticism – especially as regards mid-east policies – he is spot-on here.

By withdrawing her nomination, Harriet Miers spared herself an agonizing inquisition and probable rejection by the Senate and did George W. Bush the greatest service of her career. She may just have helped him save his presidency….

With a single stroke — the nomination of a Supreme Court justice who will remove the smile from the countenance of Chuck Schumer and unite his unhappy household in praise of Bush and anticipation of battle, as they pull down the rusty old pike-staffs from the wall, President Bush can begin the resurrection of his presidency.


COULTER on Miers Withdrawal: It’s Morning in America!

After being one of the avid spear chuckers in the opposition to the Miers nomination, Ann Coulter is expectedly pleased about her withdrawel, and its potential significance.

Since Harriet Miers withdrew her nomination to the Supreme Court, Democratic senators like Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, and Dick Durbin – i.e. all the people who had absolutely nothing to do with Miers’ withdrawal — have been blanketing the airwaves demanding that Bush now accede to their demands. So it’s good to see Democrats are still working on getting in touch with reality.

The Democrats didn’t utter a note of disagreement with the Miers nomination. But now they say her withdrawal is their victory, which Bush must be forced to acknowledge by nominating a candidate to their liking. I believe that’s what got Bush in trouble in the first place: Listening to Democratic Senator Harry Reid, who recommended Miers for the Supreme Court.

She goes on with more commentary and exposition in her customarily outspoken style. If you haven’t done so, it’s worth a read.

She copncludes the piece:

With Miers withdrawal, Bush has us back on the team, ready to cheer for him unreservedly. All we ask is that you please not listen to Harry Reid next time.

Hear, hear!