What next for SCOTUS appointment?

Sen. Hatch: Democratic Filibuster? Bring It On!

One of the concerns about the possibility of an openly originalist nominee for SCOTUS is whether or not the GOP Senate would exercise enough intestinal fortitude to push the nomination through in the face of expected Donk rabid opposition and obstruction.

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), while he would have supported the Miers nomination, has expressed the need to take on the Donks in whatever way is needed to advance the next nominee to the court.

“I think the president ought to pick the best conservative he possibly can, and we go on from there – and I’ll be there to help.”

On the question of a filibuster of possible conservative nominees like Michael Luttig or Sam Alito, Hatch said, “These are people who have great dimension and great caliber in the law – Michael Luttig is the perfect illustration – but if they want a filibuster, we’re gonna have to take them on.”

“There’s really never been a leader-led partisan filibuster in the history of our country with regard to Supreme Court nominees,” Hatch said, “or any other member of the judiciary, and I think we’re just gonna have to take them on.”

“We’re not going to put up with that,” he added emphatically.
