Iran Leader Calls for Israel’s Destruction
Here’s the head cheese of the Islamofascist axis-of-evil showing his true colors, which are the same ones that went out of fashion in das Reich in 1945.
Note the broken sphere with US colors in the corner!
Israel isn’t the only target of their plans!
Iran’s hard-line president called for Israel to be “wiped off the map” and said a new wave of Palestinian attacks will destroy the Jewish state, state-run media reported Wednesday. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also denounced attempts to recognize Israel or normalize relations with it.
In this context, it’s well worth remembering that this guy was one of the “student leaders” that engineered the takeover of the US Embassy in the late 70’s, and the whole hostage thing that ended up doing in the Carter administration. (It’s an ill wind that blows no good!)
“There is no doubt that the new wave (of attacks) in Palestine will wipe off this stigma (Israel) from the face of the Islamic world,” Ahmadinejad told students Wednesday during a Tehran conference called “The World without Zionism.”
Sheesh! Not only are they talking the talk, and walking the walk, they’re organizing international conferences to further organize their plans for ethnic cleansing and genocide. Meanwhile, the UN dis-Organization continues to stick its collective head in the sand, and the MSM largely bends over and assumes the positon when the Mullahs walk by.
As far as the Chief is concerned, the only words of reply should be , “Onward Christian Soldiers”, and DEUS VULT!