Conservative Blogosphere Still Trending Away from Miers

A couple of other conservative bloggers have just thrown in the towel on the Miers nomination. A couple weeks ago the Chief’s doubts tipped the scale away from her nomination, and I’ve seen nothing since then to change my mind.

First, Jon at SD Politics has tipped over the Kool-Aid pitcher:

I have waited until I saw the whites of her eyes, but I can keep the powder dry no longer (forgive the mixed metaphor). The Bush administration must withdraw from consideration the nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.

He goes on to note coverage of some speeches she gave that tipped him over into opposition. He alos notes this posting over the line in Minnesnowta on the PowerLine site where they are similarly concerned over a lack of quality, and questionable content as well.

Hopefully she will be out of the picture soon, so we can get down to the hard business of political harball to get a real, identiiable strong originalist in noimination. Hopefully Dubya’s got it in him to do it – but will he let it out! Stay tuned.