That Same Old deja-vu All Over Again!

Our Rhineland Moment

Interesting and somewhat disturbing historical parallelism here. Unfortunately the associated discomfort with this, doesn’t make it less valid.

In conjunction with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s announcement that the Islamic Republic has successfully enriched uranium, both Hugh Hewitt and Bill Kristol invoked the Rhineland analogy as a warning for America to act promptly to prevent the emergence of a nuclear-armed Iran. It is an apt analogy — not necessarily because the threat of a nuclear Iran closely parallels that of Hitler’s Germany, but rather, because the United States politically and diplomatically finds itself nearly as hamstrung as France was during the Rhineland crisis seventy years ago.

This is NOT encouraging. Check it out. Hopefully we don’t wind up in the same place that the Frogs did then…but time will tell.