Security Risk from “Contracting Out”?

Illegals at military bases raise concerns

Scores of illegal aliens working as cooks, laborers, janitors, even foreign-language instructors have been seized at military bases around the country in the past year, raising concerns in some quarters about security and troop safety. The aliens did not work directly for the military but for private contractors, as part of a large-scale effort by the Pentagon to outsource many routine rear-echelon jobs and free up the troops to concentrate on waging war.

IF the bean counters had ANY security awareness at all, this could not be happening. If there was security awareness, the cost of checking security on these outsourced jobs would more than offset any hypothetical savings, to say nothing of the cost if just one of them turned out to be an Islamofascist operative with a plan.

Anothe case of “penny wise, pound foolish”. Like the old comis strip character Pogo observed: “We have met the enemy, and he is us!”