Bush: U.N. should act on Syria
Interesting stuff here. A UN investigation apparently uncovered, and even more astoundingly, RELEASED information that the Syrian government was involved in the assassination of Lebanese former PM Habiri, after he very publicly called for Syria to get out of Lebanon once and for all.
As soon as thst assassination happened, the Chief would have been willing to bet on that being the case, and I’m NOT a gambling man (that would have been no gamble at all, being in the category of a sure thing, like betting on the law of gravity).
A truly astonishing thing is that anything associated with the UN would find and release corroboration for this. Another truly astonishing thing is the administration seeming to have an expectation that the UN would be capable of making any sort of effective response to this.
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called on the U.N. Security Council to hold those responsible for Hariri’s death accountable.
“Hold them accountable.?” How so? Invade Syria? Send in the SEALs or Mossad to take them out? Cancel their VISA cards? The Chief would be surprised if the UN even got as far as a limp “wrist slapping” resolution expressing nominal regret at the dastardly deeds of the Syrians.