Ann Coulter Continues Criticism of Choice
Ann Coulter is no stranger to well delivered (and well deserved) invective, and she continues her barrage of criticism of the Harriet Miers appointment to SCOTUS in her inimitable style.
She goes beyond this, to note a more serious problem than the appointment itself:
The sickness of what liberals have done to America is that so many citizens  even conservative citizens  seem to believe the job of a Supreme Court justice entails nothing more than “voting” on public policy issues. The White House considers it relevant to tell us Miers’ religious beliefs, her hobbies, her hopes and dreams. She’s a good bowler! A stickler for detail! Great dancer! Makes her own clothes! That’s nice for her, but what we’re really in the market for is a constitutional scholar who can forcefully say, “No  that’s not my job.” (Emphasis Added)
We’ve been waiting 30 years to end the lunacy of nine demigods on the Supreme Court deciding every burning social issue of the day for us, loyal subjects in a judicial theocracy. We don’t want someone who will decide those issues for us  but decide them “our” way. If we did, a White House bureaucrat with good horse sense might be just the ticket.
The super-hot button issue with both the left and the conservative side is Roe v. Wade. After commenting specifically on what is realistically describes as “the abortion holocaust” she reaches what the Chief considers as the most profound observation of all:
We’ve gone from a representative democracy to a (judicial) monarchy, and the most appalling thing is  even conservatives just hope like the dickens the next king is a good one.
Indeed. We would be better served by remembering the old American Revolutionary slogan: “No King but King Jesus!”