Need More Gas & Oil? Stephanie Says NO!


Stephanie Herseth claims to be some sort of moderate “blue dog” Democrat. The Chief has NEVER been very impressed with these claims. She’s essentially a libDonk, and except for some narrowly select issues to fool us, she will trend that way pretty consistantly in most cases.

So, here comes the vote in the House on HR 3893, Gasoline for America’s Security Act, which is designed to ease the administrative burden on building new oil refineries. I guess the Donks don’t think 20+ years without expanding our refining capacity is what will help a prospering economy keep on keeping on, since ALL of them drank the party Kool-Aid and voted against the act.

Make sense? The Donks? Why start now!

Our gal Stephanie is looking out for South Dakota, eh? Maybe she thinks that farming should go back to horses. (Oooops – that won’t work either. Animal flatulence is a concern of the envirowackos as a contributor to the alleged human promoted global warming.)

This vote was taken earlier in the month. Didn’t you notice the extensive coverage of Stephanie’s voting performance? You didn’t? Neither did I. (The enemy paper again proves itself to be the Argus-Misleader.)