Former Military Air Traffic Controller Claims Comet Collision with Earth on May 25, 2006

This is so far out it is breathtaking! The report starts out like a more-or-less conventional science story:

Eric Julien, a former French military air traffic controller and senior airport manager, has completed a study of the comet 73P Schwassmann- Wachmann and declared that a fragment is highly likely to impact the Earth on or around May 25, 2006.

Comet Schwassman-Wachmann follows a five-year orbit that crosses the solar system’s ecliptic plane. It has followed its five year orbit intact for centuries; but, in 1995, mysteriously fragmented.

Doesn’t sound too unreasonable, and the Chief knows that comet observation is one of the few areas in science where determined amateurs still are able to make significant contributions.

Using NASA simulations of the comet’s path, Julien concludes that impact is likely around May 25 precisely when the comet crosses the Earth’s ecliptic plane. While the first fragment will cross at approximately 10 million miles, lagging fragments threaten to collide. While astronomers have stated that the comet poses no direct threat, Julien argues that some fragments are too small to observe. Astronomers have predicted possible meteor showers indicating some cometary debris will enter the atmosphere.

However, things soon move far into the realm of the moonbat:

According to Julien, this is the same year that a crop circle appeared showing the inner solar system with the Earth missing from its orbit. He argues the “Missing Earth” crop circle was a message from higher intelligences warning humanity of the consequences of its destructive nuclear policies. He links this crop circle to May 25, 2006, and identifies the comet Schwassmann-Wachman as the subject of higher intelligence communications.

Oooohhhhh-kay. But wait, it gets even better: what is the true moonbats’ ultimate source of evil in the world today – obviously it’s George Bush!!!!

Julien argues that the kinetic energy of even a ‘car sized’ fragment will impact the Earth with devastating effect.

The physics of this one doesn’t compute very well. That size an object wouldn’t equal the Tunguska strike of approx. 100 years ago, to make it into the realm of something truly “devastating”.

Finally the crux of the issue – it’s all Bush’s fault!

He concludes the May 25 event is tied in to the Bush administration’s policy of preemptive use of nuclear weapons against Iran, and the effect of nuclear weapons on the realms of higher intelligences.

Phew! Lost in the ozone again! For a final touch of icing on this cake of moonbattery, the guy is French!