Saudi Columnist: Jihadist Salafist Ideology is Like Nazism
The Chief has been harsh in the past in condemnation of various manifistations of Islamofascism, but it’s time to give some credit where credit is due.
MEMRI has a translation of Saudi columnist Muhammad bin ‘Abd Al-Latif Aal Al-Sheikh published in two articles in the Saudi daily Al-Jazirah. There’s nothing to disagree with from THIS Muhammed:
“In my opinion, the ideology of Al-Salafiyya Al-Jihadiyya is very similar to Nazism in terms of its causes and reasons. If the economic depression and the state of frustration that befell the world in 1930 were a cause for the spread of murderous Nazism, it may be said that the economic and cultural setback that has befallen the Arab and Muslim countries and the frustration suffered by Muslims today are also the primary cause for this murderous ideology [i.e., that of Al-Salafiyya Al-Jihadiyya].These [circumstances] allow it to surface and to find followers and supporters among the Muslims. In addition, both ideologies share hatred of the other and [the goal of] eliminating through his physical extermination – and they have many other common denominators as well.”
In a footnote it is noted that the designation Al-Salafiyya Al-Jihadiyya is a term used by Islamist terror groups to describe themselves as continuing in the footsteps of the early believers of the Prophet Muhammad’s generation, and as believing in the duty to wage a modern Jihad war against infidels.
So now you know who we’re dealing with.
al-Sheikh concludes:
“Therefore, I still believe that one of the primary missions of the international community today is to repeat its experience with Nazism and to deal with this dangerous barbarian culture exactly as it dealt with the Nazi culture. If this does not happen, the near future is liable to bring many [events], the consequences of which will be far more severe for all of humanity than [the consequences] of World War II.”
There is more historical analysis and comparison between the Nazi and Islamofascist movement also. Take a look – coming out of Saudi Arabia no less!