More Miers Information: Withdraw the Nomination!

More information on Miers – and it’s not anything that is reassuring at all.

There’s a lot of information on the SCOTUS confirmation on this site – it’s definitely worth checking out.

H/T for this one to Laura Ingraham’s site – which also has even more on the nomination.

Meanwhile, Ann Coulter also continues to be unimpressed with the Miers appointment in this post, and others.

There’s a lot of other stuff out there on the problems with the nomination, ranging from Rush, to National Review Online, to Savage.

Enough already! The Chief has learned enough – what’s needed at this point is a better appointment to the court. The short and long of it is that while Ms. Miers is an exemplary person in many ways – NOT for the SCOTUS. Best would be a new nomination, before Ms Miers and the President further embarrass themselves any further by pursuing this one.