Once is an incidence. Twice can be coincidence. Three times within a few days? Oh-kaaaay – now what?
Is Lack Of Big Media Coverage Of Oklahoma Explosion OK?
CBS News blogsite notes lack of MSM coverage of Oklahoma “suicide” bomber. They’re a bit behind a lot of the non-MSM bloggers, but bette late than never. Will they EVER cover the story itself? Stay tuned, but don’t hold your breath waiting. (Anoxia is an unpleasant way to go!)
meanwhile, at Georgia Tech:
Explosives Found Near Tech Dorms
Three explosive devices found in a courtyard between two Georgia Tech dormitories on the East Campus Monday morning were part of a “terrorist act,” an Atlanta police official said. One of the devices exploded, injuring the custodian who found them inside a plastic bag. Two others were detonated by a bomb squad.
and at UCLA:
Explosive found at Midvale
F.Y.I. – Reported by the UCLA campus paper:
A calm and quiet Westwood was briefly disrupted Friday afternoon when the Los Angeles Police Department bomb squad inspected and detonated an explosive device found within the Midvale Plaza apartment complex on the 500 block of Midvale Avenue.
Very curious, if not alarming.