Desperate Pakistanis Await Earthquake Aid
The death toll of this earthquake is still rising as officials keep digging out collapsed buildings, and still haven’t surveyed countryside areas that were also hit hard.
Desperate Pakistanis huddled against the cold and some looted food stores Monday because aid still had not reached remote areas of Kashmir, where a devastating earthquake flattened villages, cut off power and water, and killed tens of thousands. Officials predict the death toll, now estimated at between 20,000 and 30,000, will climb because of exposure and disease. With winter just six weeks away, the United Nations has said 2.5 million people near the Pakistan-India border need shelter.
Anyone notice how the Islamofascists that were quick to label the gulf coast hurricanes as a sign of Allah’s negative judgement are now in a state of deafening silence? (One can only hope that Pat Robertson doesn’t embarrass himelf again.)
Another reminder that the world is NOT a place where one’s security can be assumed. Anyplace, anytime, the whole show can come crashing down – the only question is how prepared (materially, physically, and spiritually) you are when TSHTF.
Remember in ancient days pre-Katrina when Homeland Security had the temerity to suggest that a 72-hour emergency kit was a great idea? And the H.S. Secretary was ridiculed by much of the MSM for saying so? EVERYWHERE has some form of potential disaster: earthquakes, hurricanes, blizzards, tornadoes, tsunamis, whatever….To prepare, or not to prepare…your call, you bet your life.
– W, Edward Deming
See you not the rush of wind and rain?
See you not the oaks lash each other?
See you not the ocean scourging the shore?
See you not the truth portending?
See you not the sun hurtling the sky?
See you not that the stars have fallen?
Have you no belief in God, foolish man?
See you not your world is ending?
– ancient Celtic song