ChiCom Watch

More muscle, with eye on China

The Pentagon is engaged in an extensive buildup of military forces in Asia as part of a covert strategy to strengthen and position U.S. and allied forces to deter — or defeat — China.

This is important. It is also what is needed. Also note, it is under the leadership of Secretary Rumsfeld…once again, the right man in the right job!

President Bush approved elements of the first phase of the strategy within the past several months. The key architect is Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. The State Department’s point man on the strategy is Deputy Secretary of State Robert B. Zoellick, who has led three rounds of strategic talks with China in the past several months.

There’s a lot more in the piece, and it’s well worth reading, as is anything that Bill Gertz does on the ChiComs.

Chinese military linked to missile smuggling

Yet another reason to be beefing up our defense posture vis-a-vis the Chicoms. This is NOT a friendly act, especially in the context of the Jihadistan War.

Court papers made public yesterday in the case of a California man who pleaded guilty to trying to smuggle anti-aircraft missiles into the United States show that a Chinese general and state-run manufacturer are linked to the crime.

The Chief would contend that there is really no ChiCom manufactory that is NOT “state-run”, one way or another.

Chao Tung Wu, 51, of La Puente, Calif., pleaded guilty yesterday at U.S. District Court in Los Angeles to conspiracy to smuggle Chinese QW-2 anti-aircraft missiles into the United States. It was the first conviction under a 2004 anti-terrorism law aimed at preventing the spread of shoulder-fired and portable anti-aircraft missiles.

Protester interrupts Chinese president as he speaks to Bush

President Hu Jintao’s first visit to the US has been marred by a protester, who interrupted his joint press conference with George W Bush on the White House lawn. The woman, of Chinese appearance, began shouting from the press area as the Chinese president delivered his response to Mr Bush’s welcome.

She shouted: “President Hu, your days are numbered. President Bush, make him stop persecuting Falun Gong,” in reference to the spiritual sect that is banned in China.