OU Football Bomber Questions

Why Aren’t We Being Told More Facts About the OKlahoma Suicide Bomber?
What are the FBI and Joint Terrorism Task Force Investigating?

A very interesting post. When the Chief first heard about this one, he had a real question about the first released version of events. Even the sparse circumstances reported at the tiem seemed to suggest more than was admitted to.

Read the details here, and like me, you’ll have even more questions. The final bit of icing on the cake:

Finally, if Hinrichs was just a disturbed guy who decided to kill himself with a bomb 100 yards from a crowd of 84,000 people instead of simply putting a bullet through his temple, slashing his wrists or some other traditional way of doing away with himself, why is the FBI and the Joint Terrorism Task Force now the lead agency in the investigation?

Read the whole post – terrorism sure looks likely. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then chances are, it IS a duck!

Here’s another report, that the bomber was inquiring about getting a bunch of ammonium nitrate – the main ingredient in an ANFO (ammonium nitrate-fuel oil) bomb. (Remember the Murrah building?) Curiouser and curiouser!