How to Resolve Iran Nuke Problem

Don’t worry, we’ll take care of Iran nukes: Israel

Radio talker Michael Savage on his SAVAGE NATION program reported on Israeli willingness to take out Iran’s nukes if the US fails to get the Eurabian – UN axis to do anything more than a bit of jawboning.

After hearing this, the Chief has been looking for some sort of reportage on this topic but without success until this coverage from the India Express website popped up linked on World Net Daily. The story is datelined out of Washington, so one might note the US MSM looking the other way again.

It’s not as though the prospects of a preemptive strike on Iranian nuclear facilities wouldn’t be significant. One has to wonder why the lack of coverage on this one.

As far as the actual issue is concerned, the Chief sees chances for some real action out of the Euroweenies or the UN as being slim to none. If Israel is willing to do the heavy lifting on this one, the US would be well advised to give them a wink and a nod, and stay out of the way.

One thought on “How to Resolve Iran Nuke Problem”

  1. Israeli strikes on French-funded and designed nuke plants in Iraq come to mind…

    Had Israel not stepped up on that one, we likely would’ve found more than we bargained for in Iraqi WMD’s. Only difference being, we would’ve been looking at them as they exploded over Tel Aviv.

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