Israel vows to crush militants inside Gaza
The Chief commented previously in a “lost” posting on wht he felt was the ultimate futility of the Sharon government’s hopes of a piece of peace after withdrawel from the Gaza strip.
The operative model here is like a small dog barking at the mailman every day. It barks to warn off the intruder – and sure enough, the mailman leaves! Triumphant success acheived…which also acts a powerful behavioral reinforcer for continued barking tomorrow when the ritual is repeated, etc.
Giving partial success to the terrs like Hamas only means that they come back again over and over with the same tactics as before. Good coverage here in the Sunday Telegraph illustrates the problem, and the inevitable Israeli response to continued attacks:
Israel mobilised thousands of troops for a potential re-entry to the Gaza Strip yesterday, vowing to “crush” Palestinian militants, less than two weeks after its last soldiers departed the territory in a historic withdrawal.
So much for Sharon’s version of “…peace in our time.”
Troops began to mass on the border with Gaza while others had their leave cancelled as Israeli jets carried out repeated air strikes on Palestinian militants. In the 24 hours before dozens of homemade rockets had been launched at southern Israel.
Yes, the face of Palestinian “peace”, and here’s the “barking dog syndrome” at work:
The new cycle of violence began later on Friday at a military-style Hamas rally to trumpet what the militant group sees as its achievement in driving Israelis from Gaza.
It seems that the terrs managed to blow themselves up:
Thousands of Palestinians had gathered around Hamas gunmen showing off their military hardware when an enormous explosion erupted, apparently in a vehicle carrying bomb-making equipment. The blast killed at least 15 and injured almost 150.
And they say there ain’t no justice! To save face Ham-ass blamed the Jews, and started shooting across the border with their cheap and cheesy little rockets, a product of the best of Palestinian military technology at work:
The Palestinian Authority, led by President Mahmoud Abbas, was quick to criticise Hamas, which will pose a powerful challenge at legislative elections due early next year, for the apparent accident. Hamas instead blamed an Israeli rocket strike, but Israel – usually quick to acknowledge such operations – denied involvement. Hamas stuck to its version of events, however, and dozens of often ineffectual Qassam rockets were launched at southern Israel. One landed in the town of Sderot, where five Israelis suffered shrapnel wounds. Palestinian authorities say three people were wounded in the air strikes.
If Ham-ass doesn’t watch out, they’ll discover that they have stuck their generative organs into a meat grinder. “Just think of it as evolution in action!”
So, you “Stand Tall with Israel” do you? Did you know the recent Gaza ‘pullout’ cost you $250,000 per Israeli that left Gaza? Did you know that we give Israel between 6 and 9 billion dollars a year, an amount that comes to about $14,000 for every man woman and child in Israel?
Have you ever heard of the USS Liberty?
Did you know they celebrated after 9/11?
Oh yea, stand tall with Israel, while they laugh all the way to the bank.